🎮 LiveScream || SYSTEM SHOCK Round 4 - Mind Games
🎮 LiveScream || SYSTEM SHOCK Round 4 - Mind Games

At last playthrough, your Control Freak, Inkarnate manged to finally take the elevator to the penthouse and as expected, Shodan had a welcome party for me.

Nothing I couldn't handle but security is tight.

Circulating my way through Citadel Station is no easy task, but if it means giving a very human chill down the spine of a machine that fancies herself a god, so be it.

I've managed to find a new medbay to cure all that ails me so I'm not only back in the fight but in it to win it.

One step up is apparently two steps back as I've found yet another elevator that takes me down to the Reactor.

Next stop, Reactor.

I can only imagine what surprises Shodan has for me but now that I'm getting a better lay of the land I can go on the offensive and do some remodeling to her precious perfect Order.

Let's play some Mind Games with this rogue AI.